ENCCS logo in 3D environment

Who we are

The EuroCC National Competence Center Sweden (ENCCS) provides high-performance computing training and support for industry, academia and public administration for free.

We can guide you before, during and after you have gotten access to high-performance computers by providing useful knowhow, best practices as well as hands-on support for your code.

Our work in numbers so far

ENCCS continues to organise high-quality training events, collaborating with industry and public administration authorities, and support high level software.

Training events
HPC Access Help
Supported software

We are a national centre that supports
industry, academia and public administration
in using and accessing HPC

Our financing

ENCCS is part of the EuroCC project, which leads the initiative to form and coordinate competence centres in high-performance computing across 33 European countries.

ENCCS is hosted by  RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and Linköping University.

The centre is funded by the EuroHPC JU, Swedish Research Council ( Vetenskapsrådet) and the Swedish Innovation Agency ( Vinnova)

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