Are you a company/organisation that wants produce products and services more efficiently?

Multiple companies are in need of extreme computing power that is not possible with regular desktop computers, or laptops. High-performance computers (HPC) are capable of running by using simultaneously thousands of CPUs and hundreds of GPUs, as well as extremely large memory and storage.

Analyse Data

Run Simulations


Develop a product

excillium and ENCCS logos
Excillium AB has gained access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer MeluXina in Luxembourg. They have applied for computing time using the […]
Alleima AB accessed LUMI supercomputer for their material behaviour simulations using DAMASK. Alleima received important help from ENCCS material science […]
AI Sweden and Fraunhofer logos with the title "Eurolingua-GPT: 45 European Languages, dialects and codes"
AI Sweden together with Fraunhofer IAIS have gained access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer Marenostrum5 through the Extreme Access Call. They […]
Umeå University in the North of Sweden has gained Development Access to the EuroHPC JU supercomputer MeluXina to work on […]
RISE LLMs for climate mitigation
The Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group at RISE was awarded 3500 GPU node hours at the EuroHPC JU system Leonardo. […]
SMHI is awarded 10.000 GPU node hours on LUMI using the EuroHPC JU Development Call! The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological […]
Stockholms luft- och bulleranalys (SLB-analys) is a unit at the Environment and Health Administration of the City of Stockholm. The […]
Researchers led by Adel Daoud from AI and Global Development Lab were awarded Benchmark Access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer Karolina […]
Swedish battery manufacturer Nilar AB accessed EuroHPC JU supercomputer Vega and finished their project in training AI models to automate […]
ERCO Pharma accesses VEGA supercomputer through the EuroHPC JU Regular Call with the help of ENCCS. It’s the second time […]
The Natioal Library of Sweden (Kungliga Bibliotek, KB) accesses MeluXina supercomputer through the EuroHPC JU Regular Call with the help […]
The NLU team at AI Sweden has gained access to VEGA to experiment with a Swedish GPT model.
The NLU team at AI Sweden has gained access to VEGA to experiment with a Swedish GPT model.
With assistance from ENCCS, the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet) successfully applied for access to the EuroHPC supercomputer Vega hosted by IZUM in Slovenia
Compular has successfully applied for access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer Karolina!
Associate Professor Biplab Sanyal from the physics department of Uppsala University has gained access to Karolina supercomputer
We are pleased to announce that ERCO Pharma AB has successfully applied
RISE NLU Group will train English BERT model using multiple GPUs on the EuroHPC JU system Vega.
RISE NLU Group will train English BERT model using multiple GPUs on the EuroHPC JU system Vega.
In the project, Icarus aims to focus on development for industrial and commercial applications in the aviation, marine and, automotive industry.
Compular develops cutting-edge analysis tools for molecular dynamics simulations. The awarded project will fund a computational experiment in partnership with Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik, Enerpoly, and ENCCS.
Modelling traffic flow on a specific part of the E4S using deep neural networks. The results give a hint at the most appropriate models for such modeling.
The project leverages the power of HPC and first-principles-based calculations to accelerate the development of CALPHAD thermodynamic and kinetic databases that bring the feasibility of alloys-by-design to reality.
With the awarded HPC time on the Vega EuroHPC JU petascale system within EuroHPC JU development call, Vinnova intends to further develop this AI tool for analysis of new types of government agency documents and enhance it with new features.
Moroxite develops targeted drug delivery strategies for breakthrough therapies. Forcelab provides in silico insight into the drug development pipeline. The access to VEGA will help the companies advance their in silico drug discovery program and accelerate the testing of drug delivery methodologies.
The National Library of Sweden has been awarded development access to the Vega EuroHPC JU system for the development of speech-to-text transformation software.
Cell-free synthetic biology helps to harness the power of nature’s catalysts, enzymes. This gives a unique insight to address many challenges facing the chemical industry in the 21st century, both by accelerating the industry’s transition to sustainability and by innovating solutions for other industries through novel chemical products.
In partnership with ENCCS, Northvolt will investigate the use of classical and reactive molecular dynamics and quantum chemical simulations to devise bottom-up design strategies for improved batteries.
Study of high-pressure hydrogen (H2). The overall aim of the project is to derive a best practice recommendation for transient Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of H2 high pressurized tanks.
Development of Swedish language speech-synthesis model. It will be a key component of a conversational assistant capable of providing information in real time in response to spoken natural-language questions.
Airinnova will focus on a very high altitude and long endurance solar-electronic aircraft, using the designed models by Conceptual Design Corporate (CRC), simulate the given models, and optimize to find out the best design regarding lift-to-drag ratio

HPC for industry

Use of large supercomputing systems are often mistakenly intertwined with academic research. However, calls for industrial access to European supercomputers are periodically open for applications several times per year. Most supercomputer systems reserve a large portion of their capacity for small/medium enterprises and large businesses.

The team at ENCCS is guiding you through the application process as well as giving expertise on how to efficiently use such systems.

By using High Performance Computing a company is able to:

  • Innovate services and products and compete with tech giants by having access to high-end European supercomputers
  • Cut or eliminate costs
  • Form an ambitious business plan or optimize the production line by easily analyzing huge amounts of data using deep learning and A.I.
  • Train employees on HPC methods for free to use any current HPC system (EuroHPC JU, Amazon, Google, etc). Visit our events page for more.

HPC for Public Administration

Public administration has been digitalizing its services for the past decades, producing enormous amounts of data in the process. Proper analysis of such data can be crucial in optimising vital processes for the operation of the state. Large computer systems, such as multi-GPU systems, give the ability to become more advanced in such routines.  

ENCCS is guiding and helping with the paperwork and the smooth use of such computer systems as well as with the secure handling of the data

By using multi-GPU/multi-CPU systems public authorities are able to:

  • Analyze extremely large amounts of data by using the latest and most efficient methods
  • Run complicated simulations (e.g. Covid-19 spread)