Title: AI-powered netowrk optimization. Logos: RISE Research institutes of Sweden and ENCCS
The Connected Intelligence unit at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden accesses EuroHPC JU supercomputer MeluXina to work with […]
excillium and ENCCS logos
Excillium AB has gained access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer MeluXina in Luxembourg. They have applied for computing time […]
Alleima AB accessed LUMI supercomputer for their material behaviour simulations using DAMASK. Alleima received important help from ENCCS […]
AI Sweden and Fraunhofer logos with the title "Eurolingua-GPT: 45 European Languages, dialects and codes"
AI Sweden together with Fraunhofer IAIS have gained access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer Marenostrum5 through the Extreme Access […]
Umeå University in the North of Sweden has gained Development Access to the EuroHPC JU supercomputer MeluXina to […]