Practical Introduction to GPU Programming (Webinar)

About this webinar Graphical processing units (GPUs) are the workhorse of many high performance computing (HPC) systems around the world. The number of GPU-enabled supercomputers on the Top500 has been steadily increasing in recent years and this trend is expected to continue. Programming GPUs and other accelerators is thus crucial for developers to run software […]

PIC (BIT1) modelling of the fusion plasma edge

About this webinar We invite you at the BIT1 modelling of the fusion plasma edge will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th April 2025. The meeting is organized by the Plasma-PEPSC CoE in collaboration with IPP CAS, LECAD, ENCCS and Slovenian and Czech NCCs.  BIT1 is an electrostatic Particle […]

Bootcamp: N-Ways to GPU Programming

During this two-day online Bootcamp, four different GPU programming models will be introduced and participants will be able to choose the one that best fits their needs to run their scientific codes on GPUs. This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to GPU programming using OpenACC, OpenMP, stdpar and CUDA, and will provide hands-on opportunities to […]

Exploring Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations

Registration Deadline: 24 March 2025 Format: Hybrid (on-site & online)  Prerequisites:  -Experience in a Linux environment, jupyter notebook, Python, Conda, and BioBB library.  -Familiarity with High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems is required for participation in the hands-on sessions. -The training is primarily designed for participants from academia (with at least a graduate degree), industry, or public administration who […]

Development of algorithms for partial multi-label machine learning (Webinar)

About this webinar Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Multi-label learning is a type of machine learning problem where each data instance can be associated with multiple labels simultaneously. Partial multi-label learning addresses problems where each instance […]

Practical deep learning

General introduction Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that focuses on training artificial neural networks with multiple layers to recognize patterns and to simulate the complex decision-making power of the human brain. The use of deep learning has seen a significant increase of popularity and applicability over the last decade. While it serves […]

Software Installation on HPC systems (Webinar)

About this webinar Software installation on High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems differs from typical installations on personal computers due to multi-user environments, shared resources, and system-wide configurations.Instead of installing software globally, users often work within shared or isolated environments while leveraging specialized tools for software management.There are multiple methods available to install software on HPC systems […]