Introduction to Quantum Computing & Hybrid HPC-QC Systems


ENCCS is now joining forces with NordiQuEst to deliver a two-day training workshop covering the fundamentals of quantum computing (QC), including introduction to key concepts: quantum states, qubits, quantum algorithms, QC programming in high-level languages for use cases in optimisation, finance and quantum chemistry followed by testing quantum programs to esure their correctness, overview of the main QC hardware approaches
Integration of QC with classical computing: hybrid classical/quantum algorithms and HPC-QC systems.

The 10th OpenMolcas Developers’ Workshop [Hybrid]

Uppsala university Ångström laboratory, room 80127 (house 8, floor 0), Upssala

We are pleased to announce the 10th edition of the OpenMolcas developers' workshop, bringing together the community of developers, users, and anyone else interested in the project. This year the workshop is hosted by the Quantum Chemistry Group at Uppsala University and we are very excited to announce that ENCCS teams up with TREX for the organization, but most importantly will contribute to the scientific part as well!