BioExcel/ENCCS workshop – Advanced topics in simulations with GROMACS


In collaboration with BioExcel, ENCCS is offering an online workshop on advanced GROMACS simulations taught by Dr Mark Abraham, Dr Christian Blau, Dr Artem Zhmurov and Dr. Alessandra Villa. The workshop will be all-virtual on 4 successive mornings January 12-15 2021, 09:00-12:30. Topics January 12 - Using umbrella-sampling ("pulling") simulationsJanuary 13 - Using replica-exchange molecular dynamicsJanuary 14 - […]


ENCCS/EXCELLERAT – Training on Nek5000


In this one-day training, we will give an overview of the capabilities and features of Nek5000, together with a hands-on session to install, run and postprocess some comparably simple flow cases. Nek5000 is a spectral-element based solver for CFD, and is available as an open source package. The code has become popular among researchers worldwide, mainly because of its relatively high accuracy per grid point, its parallel efficiency and the wide user community and available packages (e.g. statistics, linear stability, adjoints etc.).


ONLINE PATC: OpenFOAM training workshop


This workshop will cover all foundational aspects of OpenFOAM, including an introduction to OpenFOAM enviroment as well as running on HPC resources.  It will be useful for new users to broaden their basic knowledge of OpenFOAM.
