Python for Scientific Computing (online)

Python for scientific computing is a medium-advanced course in Python tools such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. It is suitable for people who know basic Python and want to know some internals and important libraries for science - basically, how a typical scientist actually uses Python. Python is a modern, object-oriented programming language, which […]

GPU Programming. Why. When. How (Online)


About the workshop This workshop is based on a multilateral collaboration between GPU programming specialists from the Nordic countries. It is meant to help both software developers and decision-makers navigate the GPU programming landscape and make more informed decisions on which languages or frameworks to learn and use for their projects. This workshop will cover […]


GPU programming using Julia – A practical intro webinar


About the webinar In this webinar, we focus on GPU-accelerated computing with Julia, one of the most popular high-level, general-purpose dynamic programming languages for science, engineering, data analytics, and deep learning applications. Starting from the basic syntax of Julia, we will span topics on multiple-dispatch paradigm, metaprogramming, and then additional special features of Julia for […]


Introduction to Quantum Computing (online)

Overview This interactive workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction or refresher on the fundamental concepts of quantum computing, ensuring a solid foundation for participants to engage with the content of the Quantum Autumn School 2024. Target Audience This workshop is ideal for individuals who require a review of key quantum computing concepts, such […]

Quantum Autumn School 2024 (Hybrid)

Innoversum room at RISE offices Drottning Kristinas väg 61, Stockholm, Sweden

ENCCS joins forces again this year with NordIQuEst, to deliver a three-day quantum autumn school in early December 2024! The quantum autumn school will be held in Stockholm in hybrid form. About the Quantum Autumn School Experts from other organisations and industry will showcase the possibilities offered by quantum computing during the school. The school […]

Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing (Online)

Overview Welcome to the online workshop on Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing on Dec. 9-12 (2024). In this four-half-day course, we will start with the basic features of Julia, and then delve into the specific topics on writing performant Julia code, multithreading, and distributed computing. Additionally, we will focus on Julia programming on HPC clusters […]