ENCCS/NVIDIA Online Workshop – Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++


Welcome to the first official ENCCS workshop which will be held in collaboration with NVIDIA! This workshop teaches the fundamental tools and techniques for accelerating C/C++ applications to run on massively parallel GPUs with CUDA. You’ll learn how to write code, configure code parallelization with CUDA, optimize memory migration between the CPU and GPU accelerator, […]


ENCCS/CSC Workshop – HIP101


With the upcoming LUMI supercomputer (https://www.lumi-supercomputer.eu/) arriving this year in Finland, as well as the Dardel supercomputer (https://www.pdc.kth.se/hpc-services/computing-systems/dardel) arriving this and next year to PDC in Stockholm, ENCCS and CSC are providing a series of training events for future users of these new systems. The main partitions of both LUMI and Dardel will be based […]


Intermediate OpenACC/CUDA


This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge. It will build on the ENCCS workshop “Introduction to OpenACC/CUDA” given in May (https://enccs.se/events/2021/05/openacccuda-training-for-beginners/).


CUDA Workshop


This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge. It will build on the ENCCS workshop “Introduction to OpenACC/CUDA” given in May (https://enccs.se/events/2021/05/openacccuda-training-for-beginners/).
