A.I. as a Tool for Change


ENCCS with RISE offer a half-day course in A.I. as a tool for change. Participants will get an understanding of what artificial intelligence is, which problems can be solved with those techniques, and how they can be used within an organization.
We will give an overview on what processes one goes through when they utilize A.I. to solve problems. We are also going to illuminate the limitations of those techniques and give examples of when they are appropriate.


Creative AI Webinar


About the event The last year has seen an explosion in "creative Al", in particular, the performance of text generation models (such as chatGPT) and image generation models (such as Stable Diffusion, Dalle-2 and Midjourney) has left many outside of the field shocked by the suddenly impressive capabilities of Al. In this three-hour webinar, we […]

Advanced Deep Learning with Transformers


Overview In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Transformers have led to numerous breakthrough achievements in a variety of fields such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), chemistry, and physics. By doing away with the need for fixed-size inputs, these architectures significantly extend the scope of problems to which deep learning can be applied. This […]



Are you an AI developer that is interested in scaling up and use supercomputers? EuroHPC JU is organising a three-hours virtual event, an Information Day called “AI on HPC”, about: You can learn more about this event and register using the link below.https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu/news-events/events/eurohpc-ju-information-day-ai-supercomputers-virtual-2023-09-26_en