ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry from Laptop to HPC


Quantum molecular modeling of complex molecular systems is an indispensable and integrated component in advanced material design, as such simulations provide a microscopic insight into the underlying physical processes. ENCCS and PDC will offer training on using the VeloxChem program package This event is for researchers and students already familiar with quantum chemistry that want to learn […]


Intermediate OpenACC/CUDA


This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge. It will build on the ENCCS workshop “Introduction to OpenACC/CUDA” given in May (https://enccs.se/events/2021/05/openacccuda-training-for-beginners/).


CUDA Workshop


This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge. It will build on the ENCCS workshop “Introduction to OpenACC/CUDA” given in May (https://enccs.se/events/2021/05/openacccuda-training-for-beginners/).


The 10th OpenMolcas Developers’ Workshop [Hybrid]

Uppsala university Ångström laboratory, room 80127 (house 8, floor 0), Upssala, Sweden

We are pleased to announce the 10th edition of the OpenMolcas developers' workshop, bringing together the community of developers, users, and anyone else interested in the project. This year the workshop is hosted by the Quantum Chemistry Group at Uppsala University and we are very excited to announce that ENCCS teams up with TREX for the organization, but most importantly will contribute to the scientific part as well!