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Build Systems Course and Hackathon (online)

Oct 8 08:50 Oct 11 12:00 CEST

Online course: 8-11 October 2024, 08:50-12:00
Hackathon: 15-17 October 2024, 10:00-16:00 at RISE offices at KTH campus, Drottning Kristinas väg 61

Empowering Developers with the Build Systems Course and Hackathon

Join us at the Systems Build course and hackathon event designed to equip you with the tools and expertise needed to harness the full potential of modern computing architectures. The event consists of two parts: an online course and an in-person hackathon, allowing participants to choose their preferred format or both.

Unlocking Extreme Computing Power

The rapid evolution of computer hardware has given rise to heterogeneous architectures that combine the processing capabilities of CPUs, GPUs, and high-speed network interconnects. While this offers unparalleled computing power, it also presents a challenge for developers and users of scientific software.

Part I: Online Course (4 half days, Oct 8-11, 2024)

  • Introduction to Compilers, Linkers, and Libraries: Master the fundamentals of building and installing programs and libraries on modern personal computers.
  • GNU Make and Autotools: Learn how to use these essential tools for automating build processes.
  • CMake Build System: Discover the capabilities of this popular build system and its applications in scientific software development.
  • Spack Build System: Explore the features and benefits of Spack, a powerful tool for building and installing scientific software.
  • EasyBuild Build System: Understand how to utilize EasyBuild for efficient installation and management of software dependencies.
  • SingularityCE / Apptainer: Get hands-on experience with these containerization tools and their applications in scientific computing.

Part II: In-Person Hackathon (3 full days, Oct 15-17, 2024)

Join us at the KTH campus in Stockholm, Sweden, for an immersive hackathon experience. Teams will work on transferring their own code to different computers using build systems like CMake, Spack, and containers.

Teams Application and Selection

We invite teams (1-5 members) working on open-source scientific codes to apply for participation in the hackathon. We’ll select up to 8 teams based on their submitted applications, giving preference to those with a strong focus on open-source software development.

To participate in the hackathon, please submit an application that includes:

  • Desired Code Extension: Explain how you’d like to extend the functionality of your code using modern build systems.
  • Code Distribution: Describe how your code is currently distributed and managed.
  • License: Share information about the license governing your code.
  • Current Build and Installation Process: Outline the steps involved in building and installing your code.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from experts, collaborate with peers, and unlock the full potential of modern computing architectures. Register for the online course or apply to participate in the hackathon today!

Schedule for Online Course

8 October

  • 08:50 – 09:00 Soft start
  • 09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and introduction
  • 09:10 – 09:50 Compilers/Linkers/Libraries
  • 09:50 – 10:00 Break
  • 10:00 – 10:50 make
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 – 12:00 autotools

9 October

  • 08:50 – 09:00 Soft start
  • 09:00 – 09:50 CMake
  • 09:50 – 10:00 Break
  • 10:00 – 10:50 CMake
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 – 12:00 CMake

10 October

  • 08:50 – 09:00 Soft start
  • 09:00 – 09:50 Spack
  • 09:50 – 10:00 Break
  • 10:00 – 10:50 Spack
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 – 12:00 EasyBuild

11 October

  • 08:50 – 09:00 Soft start
  • 09:00 – 09:50 SingularityCE/Apptainer
  • 09:50 – 10:00 Break
  • 10:00 – 10:50 SingularityCE/Apptainer
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 – 11:30 SingularityCE/Apptainer
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Wrap up of lesson & concluding remarks

Schedule for hackathon

The hackathon will run from 10:00-16:00, 15-17 October.

Self-learn with our lesson material

Interested in more lessons from ENCCS? Check our lesson material at https://enccs.se/lessons/.