ENCCS joins forces again this year with NordIQuEst, to deliver a three-day quantum autumn school in early December 2024! The quantum autumn school will be held in Stockholm in hybrid form.
Experts from other organisations and industry will showcase the possibilities offered by quantum computing during the school. The school will cover more advanced topics and tutorials compared to QAS23, which serves as a good starting point for people interested in participating.
The QAS24 will include:
Recent developments in quantum technologies are bringing the world closer to a technological revolution. The advent of quantum computers able to provide considerable acceleration to important computational tasks. In the coming years, quantum-accelerated high-performance computing is expected to have a significant impact on many areas of research that can utilise computational modelling.
The Quantum Autumn School combines lectures with afternoon hands-on sessions. Participants will learn to use high-level QC programming languages and run quantum programs on Helmi.
Furthermore, on-site participants will be treated to social and networking events. A PechaKucha evening where participants can present their research projects in an informal and entertaining format. Online participants will be able to follow a live broadcast of both seminars and hands-on sessions. Additionally, they will be able to participate actively in the school through live Q&A and chat.
ENCCS is the EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden. It gives hands-on support and training on supercomputing, as well as consulting regarding funding opportunities and access calls.
NordΙQuEst is the Nordic-Estonian Quantum Computing e-Infrastructure Quest. It comprises seven partners from five countries with the mission to set up a platform that connects leading traditional HPC resources and quantum computing resources across national borders to establish a quantum computing infrastructure customised for the region.
During the course, participants of the School will use Helmi, the first Finnish quantum computer, in connection with LUMI, the most powerful supercomputer in Europe.
For the hands-on training sessions, a basic experience of Quantum computing is desirable. Last year Quantum Autumn School offered a variety of materials and tutorials available for free. Therefore, we urge participants of the QAS24 to have a look and familiarise themselves with those materials as they offer a basis for the training sessions:
In addition, we recommend the following reading material:
Thomas Wong, “Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing”, chapters 1, 2, 4, and 6, see https://www.thomaswong.net/ .
If you would like to follow more news from the quantum computing world and connect with other enthusiasts and professionals, consider joining the Swedish Quantum Society on Discord and LinkedIn.
The Quantum Autumn School 2024 is going to be held at the RISE offices on KTH campus Drottning Kristinas väg 61 in room Innoversum. The closest metro station (marked T) is Tekniska Högskolan.
There are multiple hotels in the vicinity. Below you can find some hotels in order of proximity.
Download the public transport app on the App Store or Google Play in order to get a
You can also use your regular credit card by scanning it on the metro and all busses. You can find more information here.
From the airport you can either:
This training is intended for users established in the European Union or a country associated with Horizon 2020. You can read more about the countries associated with Horizon2020 here https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/statistics/framework-programme-facts-and-figures/horizon-2020-country-profiles_e