Lesson Material
Our experts at ENCCS create custom lesson material for all our courses, as well as external organisations that we have close collaboration with. The lessons are regularly improved and kept up-to-date. Click on the lesson materials
from our workshops below which are also fitting for self learning.
Basics of HPC

Introduction to HPC Programming
These courses are suitable for someone who isn’t experienced with supercomputers. They will require a basic knowledge of Unix shell commands.
Programming tools

Introduction to the Unix shell

Extra Unix Shell Material

CMake hands-on workshop

Best Practices and Tools for Software Development

Introduction to containers
These courses are for people that are interested in learning about different tools and best practices in software development.
CPU Programming

Performance Programming

Introduction to MPI

Intermediate MPI
These courses are suitable for people that want to optimise their code on one node, as well as parallelise their code to run on multiple-node systems to harvest the power of modern supercomputers.
GPU Programming

GPU: Why, When and How?

GPU bootcamp

AMD ROCm ecosystem

Intro to CUDA & OpenACC

Intermediate OpenACC/CUDA

Heterogeneous programming with SYCL

OpenMP Offloading
These courses are suitable for people that want to use GPUs as accelerators for their code.

Supercomputing for AI

AI as a tool for change

Creative AI

Introduction to Deep Learning

Graph Neural Networks and Transformers

Hyper Parameter Search using Optuna
These courses are suitable for people that are interested in AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
High-level Language Programming

Python for Scientific Computing

High Performance Data Analytics in Python

Plotting and Programming in Python

Programming with Python

Python Performance

Introduction to Julia

Julia for High-Performance Computing

Julia for High-Performance Data Analytics
These courses are for people that are interested in using Python or Julia in supercomputers.
Electronic Structure Calculations

VASP best practices

EMTO best practices

Quantum ESPRESSO, Yambo and BigDFT

Quantum ESPRESSO, Siesta and Yambo

Quantum chemistry from laptop to HPC

Quantum chemistry towards pre-exascale and beyond

Targeting chemical accuracy with quantum Monte Carlo on LUMI
These courses are for people that are working with computational chemistry or material science.
Molecular Dynamics

GROMACS GPU performance

GROMACS Umbrella Sampling
These courses are for people that are working with biomolecular simulations,
Computational Fluid Dynamics



HPDA for climate data with Ophidia network
These courses are for people that are working with computational fluid dynamics.
Quantum Computing

Introduction to Quantum Computing and hybrid HPC-QC systems

Quantum Autumn School 2023
These courses are for people that need an introduction to quantum computing and its relation to high-performance computing.
Instructor Training Program

Best practices in HPC training
This course is for lecturers interested in giving courses in HPC. It was developed by ENCCS and continues to be updated by both EuroCC National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence.