The Natioal Library of Sweden (Kungliga Bibliotek, KB) accesses MeluXina supercomputer through the EuroHPC JU Regular Call with […]
The NLU team at AI Sweden has gained access to VEGA to experiment with a Swedish GPT model.
The NLU team at AI Sweden has gained access to VEGA to experiment with a Swedish GPT model.
In this workshop, we overview the basics of Docker and Singularity. (Working knowledge of Singularity as given in the workshop ( is desirable.) Distributed training using TensorFlow and Horovod frameworks on a supercomputer will be covered. Moreover, it will be shown how to use Singularity containers in conjunction with TensorFlow and Horovod to upscale an AI app.
Has the thought passed your mind to get acquainted with A.I., machine learning or deep learning? Or maybe […]