Training at ENCCS
ENCCS offers high-quality face-to-face and online training courses and offer courses together with PRACE, the LUMI consortium, and national infrastructures. We focus on high-end usage, both in academia and industry, targeting new users in AI/HPDA. Topics include MPI & OpenMP, Software and performance engineering, GPU programming in scientific disciplines such as Life sciences, Chemistry, Climate modelling, Engineering and more.

Our workshops cover a wide variety of HPC topics, including MPI, OpenMP, GPU programming, performance engineering and best practices in software development. The workshops are taught by our own experts, as well as distinguished
instructors from other organisations. Most of our workshops are at an intermediate-advanced level and are aimed at researchers who need to scale their simulation codes up to use larger HPC resources.

Our hackathons is where you can get things done! To participate in a hackathon you should have a well defined problem that you wish to solve. If your project gets accepted, you will be paired up with a mentor with the relevant
expertise who will work with you to solve the problem – this can include, for example, porting a core part of your research code to run on GPUs or refactoring your code to enable more efficient parallelization.

External events
ENCCS teams up with multiple partners to give a wide range of training on HPC topics. On our events calendar you will find recommended training events provided by SNIC, PRACE, CodeRefinery and other organisations. Recommended
training material from our partners, you can find under training resources.
Attendee Testimonials
“The exercises were very useful, showing the practical workflow for converting cuda to hip. I have now managed to port a real cuda code to hip (compiles, runs, passes a simple test case). The conversion script took care of the most; it missed only a few cublas calls and introduced one silly bug. Without this workshop I would have had to spend much more time on this conversion.”
“Event organization was phenomenal if it were up to me i would give 100/100. Time management,breaks, excercises and resources of the workshop are perfectly tailored and made available.”
“It was clear that the event was organized by professionals (both on the subject, and in terms of event organization).”
“I have attended many workshops across the globe on openACC and cuda and this is really a beautifully tailored course in 3 hours and beats all other workshops in terms of : duration time management resource availability tailoring of course wrt. audience forum breaks excercises (cuda) depth.”
“Very welcoming and including! Really enjoyed it!”
“I really liked HackMD, and that people were available to answer questions. The presenter is usually under too much stress/pressure during these courses, so it was nice to feel like other people were answering, so that the presenter was free to do his work. I wouldn’t say there is something to improve there.”
“I like the organization style very much, and honestly, I prefer this type of online workshop to physical one.”