The project leverages the power of HPC and first-principles-based calculations to accelerate the development of CALPHAD thermodynamic and kinetic databases that bring the feasibility of alloys-by-design to reality.
With the awarded HPC time on the Vega EuroHPC JU petascale system within EuroHPC JU development call, Vinnova intends to further develop this AI tool for analysis of new types of government agency documents and enhance it with new features.
Moroxite develops targeted drug delivery strategies for breakthrough therapies. Forcelab provides in silico insight into the drug development pipeline. The access to VEGA will help the companies advance their in silico drug discovery program and accelerate the testing of drug delivery methodologies.
The National Library of Sweden has been awarded development access to the Vega EuroHPC JU system for the development of speech-to-text transformation software.
Cell-free synthetic biology helps to harness the power of nature’s catalysts, enzymes. This gives a unique insight to address many challenges facing the chemical industry in the 21st century, both by accelerating the industry’s transition to sustainability and by innovating solutions for other industries through novel chemical products.