2nd LUMI Roadshow


Welcome to the second in the row of LUMI roadshow events. Similar to the past event we will update you about the LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) pan-European (pre)exa-scale supercomputer and in addition we will detail on newly accepted access policies valid for all the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) systems. We will […]


3rd LUMI/EuroHPC JU Systems Roadshow


Welcome to the 3rd LUMI and other EuroHPC JU systems roadshow. Similar to the past events we will update you about the LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) and the other six pan-European (pre)exa-scale supercomputers.


Targeting chemical accuracy with quantum Monte Carlo on LUMI


Quantum mechanical simulations play an important role in scientific and industrial applications, where understanding at the atomistic and electronic level is needed. In this context, quantum Monte Carlo methods are first-principle electronic structure approaches that provide a stochastic solution to the Schrödinger equation and are placed at the high-end in the accuracy ladder of electronic […]


VASP best practices workshop


About In this NSC NAISS-ENCCS workshop, including seminars and hands-on sessions, we will consider how to run the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) efficiently on supercomputers. The workshop is mostly suitable for beginners and intermediate users at different stages and the focus will be on best practices for running VASP calculations. The hands-on part will […]

Space Plasma Simulations with Vlasiator on LUMI Supercomputer (Hybrid event)

Innoversum room at RISE offices Drottning Kristinas väg 61, Stockholm, Sweden

Overview ENCCS comes together with Plasma-PEPSC CoE for the organisations of this hybrid workshop to bring together code developers, researchers, and research software engineers working on plasma science, and create an amazing opportunity for sharing innovative ideas and best practice for potential users to use the Vlasiator package and using its capabilities and assorted tools […]
