Are you a company/organisation that wants produce products and services more efficiently?
Multiple companies are in need of extreme computing power that is not possible with regular desktop computers, or laptops. High-performance computers (HPC) are capable of running by using simultaneously thousands of CPUs and hundreds of GPUs, as well as extremely large memory and storage.
Analyse Data
Run Simulations
Develop a product
HPC for industry
Use of large supercomputing systems are often mistakenly intertwined with academic research. However, calls for industrial access
to European supercomputers are periodically open for applications several times per year. Most supercomputer systems reserve a large portion of their capacity for small/medium enterprises and large businesses.
The team at ENCCS is guiding you through the application process as well as giving expertise on how to efficiently use such systems.
By using High Performance Computing a company is able to:
HPC for Public Administration
Public administration has been digitalizing its services for the past decades, producing enormous amounts of data in the process. Proper analysis of such data can be crucial in optimising vital processes for the operation of the state. Large computer systems, such as multi-GPU systems, give the ability to become more advanced in such routines.
ENCCS is guiding and helping with the paperwork and the smooth use of such computer systems as well as with the secure handling of the data
By using multi-GPU/multi-CPU systems public authorities are able to: