LUMI Successful Swedish pilot projects

LUMI, one of the EuroHPC pre-exascale supercomputers, is located at CSC’s data center in Kajaani, Finland. The supercomputer is hosted by the LUMI consortium including ten European countries. The LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) consortium countries are Finland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Bringing together their unique expertise and experience, these countries will together provide added value for the whole Europe.

The CPU part of LUMI is planned to be operational for EU users in the third quarter of 2021 while the GPU part of LUMI will be operational in the first quarter of 2022. However, before the system can be considered operational it should pass an extended list of tests and that is the case for both CPU and GPU parts or so called phases.

For this testing purposes, each LUMI consortium country selected up to 2 projects for each phase. The call for the Swedish pilot projects was organized by the Swedish Research council (VR) and the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), and it was open for researchers in Swedish higher education and research institutions, and enterprises.

These pilot projects were required to have the following profiles:

  • Phase 1: data-intensive computing, high-throughput computing, and high-performance data analytics (CPU-only) workloads to generate stress especially to the storage systems. 
  • Phase 2: highly scalable GPU applications to keep the GPU partition under full load and demonstrate its scalability.

In addition, VR and SNIC required that the projects will be able to show scientific significance, breakthrough potential and impact. There were ten application received for these two-phased pilot calls and four applications were selected to be run as pilots two per each phase for the Swedish representation of the consortium:

  • The baryon cycle in colliding galaxies, Prof. Oscar Agertz, Lunds University (LU),
  • Turbulence data generation on Boeing hump, Prof. Philipp Schlatter, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
  • Next-generation global climate models, Prof. Thorsten Mauritsen, Stockholms University(SU)
  • Lipid modulation of ion channel gating - showcasing the GROMACS AMD GPU port, Prof. Erik Lindahl, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

For all four projects, ENCCS has been assisting the principal investigators with the process. Additionally, ENCCS is committing substantial effort in support three out of the four project software to be ported to LUMI.

Open Calls

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