A chip with an atom on top of it with the title Introduction to quantum computing. Logos of ENCCS, NordIQuEst, CSC, EuroCC Denmark, EuroCC Finland, and EuroCC Iceland
Overview This interactive workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction or refresher on the fundamental concepts of […]
A quantum chip with the title Quantum Autumn School 2024, followed by the logos of ENCCS, NordIQuEst, EuroCC Denmark and EuroCC Iceland
ENCCS joins forces again this year with NordIQuEst, to deliver a three-day quantum autumn school in early December […]
This tutorial is the third part of Martin N. P. Nilsson‘s “Quantum Computing for Beginners”. You can find […]
This article is the continuation of the first part of “Quantum Computing for Beginners” by Martin N. P. […]
The Quantum Computing for Beginners tutorial is written by Martin N. P. Nilsson. The tutorial is split into […]