ENCCS Kick-off Meeting (Private Event)

Polacksbacken Lägerhyddsvägen 2, Uppsala

ENCCS will have its kick-off meeting on Friday 16th of October at Uppsala University. AGENDA 10:00 Welcome and introduction of ENCCS: Dr. Lilit Axner 10:15  The initiation of ENCCS: Prof. Sverker Holmgren & Prof. Lina von Sydow 10:35 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 EuroHPC JU and Sweden: Prof. Erik Lindahl 11:30 Overview of EuroCC and ENCCS […]

ENCCS/NVIDIA Online Workshop – Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++


Welcome to the first official ENCCS workshop which will be held in collaboration with NVIDIA! This workshop teaches the fundamental tools and techniques for accelerating C/C++ applications to run on massively parallel GPUs with CUDA. You’ll learn how to write code, configure code parallelization with CUDA, optimize memory migration between the CPU and GPU accelerator, […]


CodeRefinery/ENCCS Online Workshop – Tools and Best Practices in Modern Research Software Development


In this course, you will become familiar with tools and best practices for version control and reproducibility in modern research software development. The main focus is on using Git for efficiently writing and maintaining research software. We will not teach programming, but we teach the tools you need to use programming well. We assume that […]


SNIC online training course – An introduction to parallel programming using Message Passing with MPI (ENCCS associated event)


Message Passing is presently a widely deployed programming model in massively parallel high performance computing. Message Passing is suitable for programming a wide range of current computer architectures, ranging from multi-core desk top equipment to the fastest HPC systems in the world, offering several hundred thousand processing elements. This online course is at the beginners […]


ENCCS Workshop – Intermediate Topics in MPI


The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the de facto standard for distributed memory parallelism in high performance computing (HPC). MPI is the dominant programming model for modern day supercomputers and will continue to be critical in enabling researchers to scale up their HPC workloads to forthcoming pre-exascale and exascale systems within EuroHPC and elsewhere. This […]


BioExcel/ENCCS workshop – Advanced topics in simulations with GROMACS


In collaboration with BioExcel, ENCCS is offering an online workshop on advanced GROMACS simulations taught by Dr Mark Abraham, Dr Christian Blau, Dr Artem Zhmurov and Dr. Alessandra Villa. The workshop will be all-virtual on 4 successive mornings January 12-15 2021, 09:00-12:30. Topics January 12 - Using umbrella-sampling ("pulling") simulationsJanuary 13 - Using replica-exchange molecular dynamicsJanuary 14 - […]


1st LUMI Roadshow


The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is pooling European resources to develop top-of-the-range exascale supercomputers for processing big data, based on competitive European technology. One of the pan-European pre-exascale supercomputers, LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure), will be located in CSC’s data centre in Kajaani, Finland and will be hosted by the LUMI consortium […]


ENCCS Workshop – CMake


CMake is a language-agnostic, cross-platform build tool and is nowadays the de facto standard, with large projects using it to reliably build, test, and deploy their codebases. You will learn how to: ●  Write a CMake build system for C, C++, and Fortran projects producing libraries and/or executables. ●  Run tests for your code with CTest. ●  […]


ENCCS/CSC Practical Deep Learning workshop


In collaboration with CSC in Finland, ENCCS is offering a workshop on February 16-17 on Deep Learning. The course is at an introductory level.  Course description This course gives a practical introduction to deep learning, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, GPU computing, and tools to train and apply deep neural networks for natural language processing, […]


AI For Science Bootcamp – NVIDIA/ENCCS


Welcome to the ENCCS/NVIDIA “AI for Science” Bootcamp! This online event will take place during two half-days on March 8-9 2021 and is designed to teach researchers how AI can accelerate HPC simulations by introducing the concepts of Deep Neural Networks, including data pre-processing, and techniques on how to build, compare and improve accuracy of […]


CodeRefinery/ENCCS online workshop and hackathon on software testing

Welcome to the first CodeRefinery/ENCCS workshop and hackathon on software testing on March 17 and 24! In this event you will become familiar with tools and best practices for testing research software and get help in adopting these in your own projects by experienced mentors. Who is it for? Are you doing any of these […]

A.I as a Tool for Change (Given in Swedish)


Language This workshop will be given in Swedish, but future versions of the workshop will be given in English. Beskrivning ENCCS med RISE erbjuder en halvdags-utbildning i AI som verktyg för förändring. Tanken är att du som deltagare skall få en förståelse för vad AI är, vilka sorters problem som kan lösas med teknikerna och […]


2nd LUMI Roadshow


Welcome to the second in the row of LUMI roadshow events. Similar to the past event we will update you about the LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) pan-European (pre)exa-scale supercomputer and in addition we will detail on newly accepted access policies valid for all the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) systems. We will […]


ENCCS/CSC Workshop – HIP101


With the upcoming LUMI supercomputer (https://www.lumi-supercomputer.eu/) arriving this year in Finland, as well as the Dardel supercomputer (https://www.pdc.kth.se/hpc-services/computing-systems/dardel) arriving this and next year to PDC in Stockholm, ENCCS and CSC are providing a series of training events for future users of these new systems. The main partitions of both LUMI and Dardel will be based […]


ENCCS/HiDALGO Workshop on High-performance Data Analytics


We would like to invite you to participate in our High-performance data analytics course where we will introduce different tools and methods for Big data handling. The tools will be presented on two different use cases but can be applied to any data.


Introduction to OpenACC/CUDA


This course is an introduction to GPU programming using the directive-based OpenACC paradigm and language-extension-based CUDA. The course consists of lectures, type-along and hands-on exercises. Topics covered in the course include the architecture of the GPU accelerators, basic usage of OpenACC and CUDA, how to control data movement between CPUs and GPUs. Basic optimization of the code will also be covered.


ENCCS/PDC VeloxChem Workshop: Quantum Chemistry from Laptop to HPC


Quantum molecular modeling of complex molecular systems is an indispensable and integrated component in advanced material design, as such simulations provide a microscopic insight into the underlying physical processes. ENCCS and PDC will offer training on using the VeloxChem program package This event is for researchers and students already familiar with quantum chemistry that want to learn […]


CodeRefinery Workshop


Course goals In this course, you will become familiar with tools and best practices for scientific software development. We don't teach programming, but we teach the tools you need to do programming well and avoid common inefficiency traps. The tools we teach are practically a requirement for any scientist that has to do their own […]


ENCCS/Intel Workshop on OpenMP Software Tools


OpenMP is a portable and scalable parallel programming model that gives programmers a flexible interface for directive-based programming of shared-memory parallel machines. Used in conjunction with MPI, OpenMP can enable scientific software to be scaled up to large supercomputers. Since version 4.0, OpenMP supports offloading to accelerator devices such as GPUs and thus provides developers with a single framework that can be used across existing and future GPU devices from multiple vendors.


ENCCS/Intel OpenMP Hackathon


OpenMP is a portable and scalable parallel programming model that gives programmers a flexible interface for directive-based programming of shared-memory parallel machines. Used in conjunction with MPI, OpenMP can enable scientific software to be scaled up to large supercomputers. Since version 4.0, OpenMP supports offloading to accelerator devices such as GPUs and thus provides developers with a single framework that can be used across existing and future GPU devices from multiple vendors.
