Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing


Julia is a modern high-level programming language which is both fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C) and relatively easy to write like Python or Matlab. It thus solves the “two language problem”, i.e. when prototype code in a high-level language needs to be combined with or rewritten in a lower-level language to improve performance. Although Julia is a general purpose language, many of its features are particularly useful for numerical scientific computation, and a wide range of both domain-specific and general libraries are available for statistics, machine learning and numerical modeling. The language supports parallelisation for both shared-memory and distributed HPC architectures, and native Julia libraries are available for running on GPUs from different vendors.


VeloxChem: Quantum Chemistry Towards Pre-exascale and Beyond – ENCCS/PDC


Quantum molecular modeling of complex molecular systems is an indispensable and integrated component in advanced material design, as such simulations provide a microscopic insight into the underlying physical processes. ENCCS and PDC will offer training on using the VeloxChem program package. We will highlight its efficient use on modern HPC architectures, such as the Dardel system at PDC and the pre-exascale supercomputer LUMI, 50% of which is available to academic users of the consortium states, including Sweden and Denmark.


High Performance Data Analytics in Python


This online workshop is meant to give an overview of working with research data in Python using general libraries for storing, processing, analysing and sharing data. The focus is on improving performance. After covering tools for performant processing (netcdf, numpy, pandas, scipy) on single workstations the focus shifts to parallel, distributed and GPU computing (snakemake, numba, dask, multiprocessing, mpi4py).

Introduction to Quantum Computing & Hybrid HPC-QC Systems


ENCCS is now joining forces with NordiQuEst to deliver a two-day training workshop covering the fundamentals of quantum computing (QC), including introduction to key concepts: quantum states, qubits, quantum algorithms, QC programming in high-level languages for use cases in optimisation, finance and quantum chemistry followed by testing quantum programs to esure their correctness, overview of the main QC hardware approaches
Integration of QC with classical computing: hybrid classical/quantum algorithms and HPC-QC systems.

ENCCS Industry Days 2022


ENCCS is organizing the Swedish HPC Industry Day 2022, 10-11 October. This event will provide a comprehensive introduction to HPC targeted toward a broad audience, for example:


Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing


Julia is a modern high-level programming language which is both fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C) and relatively easy to write like Python or Matlab.


Efficient materials modelling on HPC with QUANTUM ESPRESSO, Yambo and BigDFT


This workshop will give a broad overview of important fundamental concepts for molecular and materials modelling on HPC,  with a focus on three of the most modern codes for electronic structure calculations (QUANTUM ESPRESSO, Yambo and BigDFT). Theory sections will be interleaved with practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises where participants will put their new knowledge to the test on the Vega EuroHPC JU supercomputer.  


EuroHPC JU Summit

The EuroHPC Summit is an annual event gathering key European HPC stakeholders from providers, to scientific and industrial users, to policy makers.



Are you an AI developer that is interested in scaling up and use supercomputers? EuroHPC JU is organising a three-hours virtual event, an Information Day called “AI on HPC”, about: You can learn more about this event and register using the link below.https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu/news-events/events/eurohpc-ju-information-day-ai-supercomputers-virtual-2023-09-26_en

Best practices in HPC training


This instructor training workshop is focused on helping competent practitioners and experts in various fields teach their knowledge to others. It also serves a kickstart to teaching ENCCS lessons. The two-half-day online workshop will present best practices in teaching technical topics both online and in-person and is based on past experiences from both ENCCS and […]

Julia for High Performance Data Analysis


Julia is a modern high-level programming language that is fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C) and relatively easy to write like Python or Matlab. It thus solves the “two-language problem”, i.e. when prototype code in a high-level language needs to be combined with or rewritten in a lower-level language to […]

Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing


Julia is a modern high-level programming language that is fast (on par with traditional HPC languages like Fortran and C) and relatively easy to write like Python or Matlab. It thus solves the “two-language problem”, i.e. when prototype code in a high-level language needs to be combined with or rewritten in a lower-level language to […]

High-Performance Programming


Registrations are now closed. Welcome to our online workshop on High-Performance Programming, focusing on single-core performance optimisation. Over the course of three half-day sessions, we will delve into the intricacies of algorithms, algorithms and complexity, cache efficiency, SIMD vectorisation, and compiler optimisations. We will keep a practical focus on useful techniques and mindsets. Who is […]

ENCCS Industry Days 2023


Welcome to ENCCS Industry Days 2023! This event provides a comprehensive introduction to supercomputing. Industry Days is for both managers and software developers who are interested in finding out how supercomputers are used in different industrial sectors.
