LUMI and Leonardo no. 3 and 4 Fastest Supercomputers in the World!

EuroHPC JU supercomputers LUMI and Leonardo ranked 3rd and 4th fastest supercomputers in the world at the latest top500 list released at SC22.

Both supercomputers as well as the rest of EuroHPC JU systems are available to all European private companies, public authorities and universities for free! Here's how.

[...] LUMI and Leonardo are both top-of-the range pre-exascale systems and will be available to European research and industry to innovate and improve citizens’ quality of life, while further supporting Europe’s digital sovereignty.

Anders Dam Jensen, EuroHPC JU Executive Director

Anders Dam Jensen has presented EuroHPC JU's strategy and a nice overview of the systems at the ENCCS Industry Days 2022.

For more details on the ranking please visit
