Title: GPU programming for python. ENCCS logo. image of an electrical circuit
About the webinar In the past decade, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have ignited the dynamic evolution of data […]
ENCCS and SciLifeLab are organising a webinar giving an intro on GPU programming in Python and Julia. This […]
The workshop will be streamed via Twitch so that anyone may follow along without registration. However, ENCCS is hosting a Zoom room with expert helpers who will organise breakout rooms and provide hands-on assistance during exercise sessions.
This online workshop is meant to give an overview of working with research data in Python using general libraries for storing, processing, analysing and sharing data. The focus is on improving performance. After covering tools for performant processing (netcdf, numpy, pandas, scipy) on single workstations the focus shifts to parallel, distributed and GPU computing (snakemake, numba, dask, multiprocessing, mpi4py).
We recently achieved two important objectives in our collaboration with VeloxChem: We helped port the code to compile […]