ENCCS Seeking Ways to Collaborate with the Swedish EDIHs

As part of the Digital Europe Programme, the European Commission proposed the creation of European Digital Innovation Hubs to play a central role in the Digital Europe Programme to stimulate the broad uptake of Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cybersecurity as well as other digital technologies by industry (in particular SMEs and midcaps) and public sector organisations in Europe (see https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/european-digital-innovation-hubs-digital-europe-programme-0).

European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) function as one-stop shops that help companies dynamically respond to these challenges and become more competitive.

The Commission launched the Smart Specialisation Platform where one can search and find all the current E-DIHs per country at https://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/digital-innovation-hubs-tool

The aim of E-DIHs is to provide access to technical expertise and experimentation as well as test-beds. E-DIHs also provide innovation services, such as training, and skills development. ENCCS is currently exploring the map of Swedish E-DIHs to define common grounds for possible collaborations.


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