AI Sweden and Fraunhofer logos with the title "Eurolingua-GPT: 45 European Languages, dialects and codes"

AI Sweden and Fraunhofer to develop European Language Models

AI Sweden together with Fraunhofer IAIS have gained access to EuroHPC JU supercomputer Marenostrum5 through the Extreme Access Call. They will work on building European Large Language Models (LLMs).

LLMs are transforming the way we interact with computers. They promise to revolutionise various industries from healthcare to finance. The project Multilingua-GPT between AI Sweden and Fraunhofer IAIS aims to develop a series of open, large multilingual language models. It will include models for 45 European languages, dialects, and codes, including the 24 official European languages.

Supercomputing and Large Language Models

To fine-tune their large-language models, AI Sweden and Fraunhofer IAIS require access to immense computing power. This is where Marenostrum5, the EuroHPC JU supercomputer, comes into play. Using the Extreme Access Call, they have access to 430 000 GPU Node Hours on the new NVIDIA H100 GPUs. It enables them to train and test their language models at unprecedented scales.

Located in Spain, Marenostrum5 is one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, making it an ideal platform for tackling complex tasks like training large-scale language models.

European collaboration

This collaborative effort between AI Sweden and Fraunhofer IAIS highlights the importance of European collaboration in advancing pan-European language models. By using the the computing power of Marenostrum5, they are poised to make significant strides in developing high-quality language models for languages spoken across Europe. EuroHPC JU supercomputing infrastructure appears crucial for projects that span across Europe. Learn more on AI Sweden’s webpage.

Access Supercomputers for your projects for free!

Are you a startup or an SME working with projects that require large computational power? You can access EuroHPC JU supercomputers within a few weeks for free by just applying for their open calls. More information here.

