Introduction Significant investments are being made in quantum computing across Europe. A key challenge in […]
Jupyter logo with the title "Use Jupyter notebooks on a supercomputer"
In this tutorial, we go through a simple procedure for setting up and working with Jupyter notebooks on a supercomputer.
EMTO-CPA is a state-of-the-art approach for investigating the electronic structure and properties of substitutional disordered […]
LUMI is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world. Below you find details on […]
This tutorial is the third part of Martin N. P. Nilsson‘s “Quantum Computing for Beginners”. […]
This article is the continuation of the first part of “Quantum Computing for Beginners” by […]
The Quantum Computing for Beginners tutorial is written by Martin N. P. Nilsson. The tutorial […]
This tutorial is written by Wei Li. This EMTO tutorial is meant for new users […]
Developers often need to optimise their code to improve performance, use resources efficiently, reduce costs […]
Leonardo supercomputer is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world and one of the […]
The following article is a transcript of the video tutorial above. So you have decided […]
want to give a flavor of Julia's features and capabilities for high-performance computing (HPC) covered in the workshop lesson material by presenting a demonstration on how to benchmark, optimize, parallelize and GPU-port a simple toy problem.
The message passing interface (MPI) is the go-to technology for the development of distributed parallel […]